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Save game after worm chase please

RE: Save game after worm chase please

Scraper Wrote:Your in the place where the Worm comes first time?
Just run back there where you came.

Hi Scraper,

No, it's the second time, where you have to smash down planks, close a door, put barrels in goop etc, etc. The first time was pretty easy, and I had plenty of time to stop in the middle of the chasm and watch his slimy butt fall down the hole. LOL

Does the worm move fast? That's my biggest concern, because I'm not very adept at using the physics (can never grab properly - the items don't "dangle" properly) and when I run, I tend to run into walls! Tongue
09-19-2007, 01:10 AM

Messages In This Thread
Save game after worm chase please - by fly0phoenix - 09-16-2007, 12:34 PM

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