Shub-Niggurath and friends in the next Frictional Games horror story?
I have never read any of Lovecraft's books, but I've heard of Shub-Niggurath through Quake 1 (since she was my first introduction, she's my favorite). Now I love the looks of the creatuers in the card game "Call of the Cthulhu" (which separates the humans and monsters into factions, giving us a look into what the monsters are like... plus I love her look in this game better. She's scarier looking, Godzilla sized, and can hunt you down!).
This world seems perfect for Frictional Games because: they are frightening looking, with so many factions of good guys and monsters one could make huge number of tales, with Shub-Niggurath and Cthulhu being so massive just being chased by one of them would make a Brute/Water Horror/Giant Worm chase seem peaceful in comparison, and by making horror games based closely off of Lovecraft's popular works... his fans will flock to these games.
I would love, and be scared, to be chased by the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath and by Shub-Niggurath herself (to me she sounds more dangerous than Cthulhu because she is, at least in the card game, just as tough as Cthulhu but can spawn an endless suplly of Dark Young. They don't call her the 'Black Mistress with a thousand Young' for nothing!)
Besides stating the reason(s) as to why this should (or should not) be Frictional Games' next horror stories, what's your favorite monster(s) in the Lovecraft world?