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Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC
Gasjockey Offline

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

Now, keep in mind that some people might disagree with what I'm gonna say and that's fine. But please, Googolplex, for your own good I'm telling you that almost every post you make is you stating your own opinion as the one and only truth. It's not. It's your opinions (which to me seems sadly uninformed), which is completely fine as long as you recognize them as such. Now, for my opinion on your argument that "It is no art (ideas) to make a shooter game, and ego shooters also doesn't immerse the player [sic]". You clearly haven't played Half-life. Half-life is made (I say "is" because they're still making it (hopefully)) by people who live and breathe for what they do. Call of duty is made by people whose presumed goal is to milk the most money out of a dying franchise before people get tired of it. Where Half-life is about playing an immersive and realistic story, Call of duty is about "getting the best kill streak" and running around like lunatics. I'm not saying that can't be good fun, and it is certainly very adrenaline-inducing, but it can't even be compared to Half-life. In Call of duty, the shooting is the point, in Half-life the shooting is a side-effect. Valve has created a beautiful story that certainly immersed me, to the point of sitting glued to the screen for 20 hours just so I could see what happens next. If that's not art, then I don't know...

Wow, this was much longer than I intended.

Member of the secret society of TCaMtRLHfPSMUYRYRtWWtPtKYOoPFatHHG
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2012, 11:13 PM by Gasjockey.)
02-10-2012, 11:11 PM

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC - by Gasjockey - 02-10-2012, 11:11 PM

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