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Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC
GetAgrippa Offline

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

Yay! My three favorite modern games are on there!
Quote: Action is bad by default, and cinematic story telling influenced that.
As for this, ummm yeah. No. The Infernal Machine will always be my favorite game, but I also really like Battlefield 3. The Infernal Machine had its share of gunfights, and that added to the experience. As for the claim that BF3 graphics are bad, it just sounds like a hate speech. I enjoy the complexity of the battlefield and I wish we could just respect the different games that we all like.

If Fate frowns, we all perish.
02-11-2012, 07:57 PM

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC - by GetAgrippa - 02-11-2012, 07:57 PM

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