(02-15-2012, 08:21 PM)Cryaotic Wrote: You are quoted on the trailer for Worry of Newport - yes you do indeed have weird tastes. :]
I feel weird now.
(02-15-2012, 08:25 PM)Khyrpa Wrote: Weird taste? How is Dear Esther weird?
It's not that. I usually like things that other people don't like or even hate; i.e. I like Bioshoch 2 more than the first one. My favorite Silent Hill game is Silent Hill Origins... But seeing "Korsakovia was terrible though" sentence, now I see there are tastes weirder than me.
(02-17-2012, 12:38 AM)Lee Wrote: My two cents
pretty damn bad
As for as I remember you didn't like the approach from the start, but the review is pretty damn good. I think you should do more for "not 2D platformers".