(02-28-2012, 05:07 PM)Googolplex Wrote: Yeah, Requiem has great puzzles. And it is also creepy. The Penumbra atmosphere is creepy by default, you don't need monsters or apecial effects. Just the environments are creepy enough to call it horror.
But except the gameplay, I never found something similar to Amnesia.
And in my opinion, Overture is the best game ever made in Frictional universe.
Overture has the best puzzles, the most oppresive atmosphere, the best story and is the most credible game.
Black Plague was the creepiest, but shorter than Overture, less puzzles, incredible story (the parts in minds) then Clarence talking was destroying the gameplay more and more. Great game also, but not as good as Overture.
Yeah totally agree with you. I've only started playing about an hour of black plague and I'm already a lot scared of it than Overture. Just cause you have no idea where the monsters are. In Overture, you have a kinda warning tune. Already came face to face with an infected after it jumped up behind me. I just panicked and ran to nearest door haha.
Like you said, monsters don't make the horror, it does in some ways cause it's something hunting and looking for you, but even the start of the game with the dark areas and creepy sound effects. Clarence is already annoying me haha.