(03-10-2012, 10:53 PM)Danarogon Wrote: how many times do i have to hear the "can you kill monsters in amnesia?" question... NO you can not kill monsters! no matter what you trown them to the face they will not die... at least in the original amnesia you can't... so enough of this dumb questions.
They can be killed, they just don't have any death animation, so they just stand there in idle animation no longer with any collision (i.e. you can walk right through them). Enabling entity info even shows that the monster is in a dead state.
You don't have to throw anything at it to kill it, though. If there is something small that it collides with and collides with it constantly, the monster can end up killing itself. This is the easiest way to kill them, because it collides too fast for health regeneration to have any significant affect.