Lets start with the Pros.

-Good maps
-Fast running was really cool
-Jump scares put in the right places
-Interesting story line, loved how you have like 6 lives lol.
-So many Laudanums, Sanity Potions, and Oil potions, I had fun collecting them.

-Lantern took a few tries to get, and many people had trouble finding it.
-The key in the severed monster in the room full of blood and skulls never really opened anything as far as I know.
-When I opened the door (the one the mattress was blocking) the door got stuck like...inside the mattress and I spent 5 minutes getting it out. In the end I had to use the barrel to push it away.
-If you run in the underground tunnel you either get stuck in the floor and have to spend 2 minutes trying to get out (or restart), or you fall through the floor and to your death.
-If you run to fast when following the liquid trail in Chapter 2, you can phase through the steel/walls and/or get stuck in them, that happened to me like 3 times.
-Those 2 long platforms you have to run really quickly and jump to get to them, well, I fell off like 500 times. I think you need to place them a bit closer, yes?
Overall Rating: 7/10
I give it a 7 out of 10 because there were many frustrating glitches and I got mad and almost quit.
Edit: Okay, I'm done playing this for one day, it's really pissing me off. I can't get past that first jump = n =