(04-24-2012, 06:08 PM)spukrian Wrote: Back in the good old days before Penumbra Overture was released (hehe, even before I signed up!) there was a thread of a guy wanting to make a TC of the Penumbra Tech Demo (don't bother looking for the thread, it's long gone). The TC would involve the famous Xenomorph from the Alien Universe , but most people in the forum at the time was nagging him about the "FOXing" which would inevitably happen. Eventually he gave up.
As a sidenote: Would he had instead done The Thing, which is ideal for Penumbra, then the thing can take any number of forms. I doubt the title "The Thing" is even copyrighted. It's just too generic. In the same way: If you make an underwater base, set in the same era, and it's gone wrong, then as long as you don't call the place "Rapture", and the diving monsters "Big Daddies", I doubt they have copyrighted all little girls in all underwater cities.