Before beginning, make a folder in either "static_objects" or "entities" in the root folder that will hold your model(s). Place the textures in there and name them properly. Then open the model in Maya and redirect the texture to the image in your Amnesia folder. Once that is done, continue with these steps:
1) You're going to need a version of Maya earlier than 2012. Assuming that is finished, continue.
2) Download the OpenCollada plugin and activate it by going to "Window > Settings/Preferences > Plugin Manager > COLLADAmaya"
Download Link =
3) Then you need to make sure your "Linear" is set to 'meters' rather than the default centimeters. Go to "Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Settings" and change the linear to meters. Save and close the window.
4) The grid should have grown in size. If needed, import something from amnesia, such as a grunt or anything relative to the size of your model, so the scale is proper.
5) Time to clean! Pick the model and select these two in this order:
"Modify (in the taskbar at the top) > Freeze Transformations", THEN
"Modify > Reset Transformations", THEN
"Edit > Delete by Type > History"
6) Save the scene and export the model to the same folder as the texture(s) using the "OpenCollada Exporter" filetype. It helps to make the model the same name as the textures. Just for neatness sake and to save from some trouble.
Make sure Triangulate is checked!!
7) Open in ModelVIEW and the .mat and .msh should be generated automatically.
Hope this helps!
Late EDIT is late...
You make a
.dds with a photo editing program such as Photoshop or GIMP. They need a .dds plugin to work, as it doesn't come standard.
.mats are material files and are made using the material editor or by loading a new model in the ModelView. It will generate automatically.
.msh generate upon load in the ModelView or ModelEditor
.ents are made using the ModelEditor to import a model and give it a shape and variables such as making a door, a note, health object, enemy, etc. Without a .ent, a model is a static_object. Simply do your business in the ModelEditor, Save As... and there is your .ent.