(04-30-2012, 04:58 PM)FragdaddyXXL Wrote: Perhaps you could use global variables. Here's a snippet of code where I'm almost doing the same exact thing:
void OnEnter()
AddTimer("SanityTimer", 0.5f, "UpdateSanity"); //Set up a timer on entry.
if(GetGlobalVarInt("lockdown") == 1)
SetSwingDoorLocked("metal_1", false, false);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "ScriptArea_FinalWave", "FinalWave", true, 1);
Just need to set up a global variable that changes when the user removes the blockade. Upon entering the level with the exit, check and see if the global variable has changed. If it has, unlock the door.
I wouldn't say right off that that wouldn't work cause im not good with the global variable thing infact i dont know what it actual do
But its 2 diffrent maps
that that in "Forest.map" the door is locked ((blocked from the inside) which is in AbandonedHouse.map)
And in AbandonedHouse.map the door is blocked so when the blockade is removed you can go outside into Forest.map but you can't go inside since the door is still locked :-)
(04-30-2012, 05:01 PM)SilentStriker Wrote: What kind of blockade is it btw? since you can always use the built in PlayerInteractionCallback in the entity and then call SetSwingDoorLocked from there
In the map editor Entities\gameplay\wooden_boards_block (the second last) :-)