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Request Can someone test my CS so far?
bagobonez Offline

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RE: Can someone test my CS so far?

(05-26-2012, 05:22 PM)Putmalk Wrote:
Quote:Hmmm... I'm thinking what happened is you didn't actually find my little "bookshelf maze" in the library... there's an area near where the window is that you have to crouch to go under a leaning bookshelf, and then you walk through a claustrophobic "maze" of sorts with the bookshelves

That was unclear that I had to crouch. It looked like I had to jump over it, but I couldn't so I assumed it was impassable.

Quote:I thought about making more rooms open but I'm afraid if I do so, the player will forgo exploring rooms that contain notes which are crucial to the story and instead just try to finish it all as fast as they can.

That's their own fault, then. :/ Don't force your story on them, reward exploration.

Going to try this again now. Will update this post with my feedback.

Library (Part II)
Spoiler below!

You need to check "Cast Shadows" on the spotlights coming from the window, so that it looks more realistic. You'll thank me later. Finally ducked under the bookshelf, the space is so small it doesn't look possible to that (looks more probable to jump over. Consider correcting. Found the note, and a little jump scare with the pot falling down, but it didn't make me jump. I would consider a small sanity hit there.

Okay, went into Library Storage, found the key. Key puzzles are becoming overwhelming (to put it frank, you have more keys in this Library map than I have throughout my entire 13 map playable custom story demo right now).

Spoiler below!

I have this Laboratory Key, and it's useless on all of the doors. So now I'm going to have to try to leave and go upstairs. ...this is just searching for a door for the key to be used on. Boring, not gonna lie.

Top Room
Spoiler below!

Barricaded in. I guess I have no where else to go. I have a useless laboratory key and a door that won't open. What now? O_O

Laboratory Part II
Spoiler below!

Oh hai random key in stove...? Why is it there? O_O Do you remember in Amnesia the Dark Descent, how the keys to progress were hidden in plain sight or at the end of a map? That's exactly why - to prevent random searching for the key which isn't fun.

By the way, I noticed you have more oil sources than tinderboxes. Should be the other way around - should want to conserve lantern and use tinderboxes. Right now, I'm just lantern spamming because I got a free refill in the Dissection Room (which is unnecessarily locked).

Top Room
Spoiler below!

Used bone saw on wooden planks. Legend of Zelda sound just played? O_O LMAOOOO!!!! It's funny, but out of place in a horror game. Anyway, going to advance further and see what happens.

At this point I expect every cheap trick to hide keys to open obnoxiously locked doors. Yup, found key puzzle inside a painting.

I'm like begging at this point. Finding keys is monotonous, boring, (simple to code), but terrible and unoriginal.

In the kitchen, there is a window (good scenery outside the window). But you should very dim point lights that light up the room, as well as a boxlight for the whole map (that goes for anything). Just add more scenery. And use the light_dust particle system for windows/lights! It looks fantastic! I'm kinda lost here? No key to find? Do I break the window? I'm going to try that next.

Yup! Break the window. Okay. Please put an interact message with the unbroken window that says "This window is about to break." or something like that. To make it clear.

Please add that awesome skybox + cricket sounds outside to make it sound boss like the first outside area!

Um so I can't break this window, and I'm sure the rocks that you have to use have fallen down and they won't come up. So...???? Help? O_O

I guess I'm done, because I can't break this second window to get inside.

I am going to ask you a favor, bagobonez. Could you playtest my 13 map demo of my custom story (I'm selecting only a few people to do it because I don't want to spoil the whole thing) and provide feedback on my story? Thannnksss.
Ok, the ton of keys stuff thing I will definitely try to address that, I had a feeling that would get repetitive and it certainly has. But I feel like I'm getting some mixed messages from you on some other stuff... for example you said change the locked door text to simply say "locked" so as not to guide the player as to how to proceed... you also said to open things up and make it a less linear experience and encourage exploration. I have no problems with those things. But then there were the two areas (the library bookshelf) and now the window breaking thing where I feel like you kind of just prematurely gave up so to speak. Can I ask... what did you use to break the first window? The sledge hammer sitting nearby (which is kind of the hint that you need to break it so that i don't need to put text on the window) or one of the multitude of chairs at the table? I thought it was kind of obvious that the second window needed to be broken to proceed, but you gave up pretty quickly on attempting to break it. You can drag any of the chairs from the previous room across the wooden plank to break that window. Would appreciate if you would finish what I have, there are only two "rooms" to get through and neither of them has any locked doors. I will try yours as well, and I appreciate the feedback!
05-27-2012, 12:44 AM

Messages In This Thread
Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-25-2012, 11:53 PM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Putmalk - 05-26-2012, 02:11 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-26-2012, 03:06 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Putmalk - 05-26-2012, 03:17 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-26-2012, 03:28 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Putmalk - 05-26-2012, 03:34 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-26-2012, 04:00 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Putmalk - 05-26-2012, 04:05 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-26-2012, 04:45 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-26-2012, 02:25 PM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Putmalk - 05-26-2012, 05:22 PM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-27-2012, 12:44 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Putmalk - 05-27-2012, 04:14 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Bridge - 05-26-2012, 07:00 PM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Putmalk - 05-27-2012, 05:29 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-27-2012, 08:00 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by Adny - 05-27-2012, 08:49 AM
RE: Can someone test my CS so far? - by bagobonez - 05-27-2012, 09:40 AM

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