(05-06-2012, 02:52 PM)Sazureth Wrote: Hey.
Is it possible to change the volume of a .snt sound effect or use .ogg when I'm playing music at the same time?
On my current project, besides music I want rain -and occasional thunder/rockslide/owl effects, but the problem is that the volumes feel really uneven. I, for example, can hear owls barely at all with all the other sound effects playing.
/E: Oh, btw. I cannot use FadeGlobalSoundVolume since I want to adjust every sound effect individually.
Second edit: What does the string& asSoundName' mean in PlaySoundAtEntity(string& asSoundName...
I though that'd give a name to the sound, but apparently not?
You can change the volume in the .snt file. (<PROPERTIES Volume="0.5" part in .snt)
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "yoursound.snt", "EntityNameToPlayAt", float afFadeTime, bool abSaveSound);
Adjust these 2 as you want:
afFadeTime - time in seconds the sound needs to fade
abSaveSound - determines whether a sound should “remember” its state. If true, the sound is never attached to the entity! Also note that saving should on be used on looping sounds!