(06-20-2012, 01:22 PM)FastHunteR Wrote: For 1 & 2:
Under Entities>Special, there is the cave_in as an entity. So it has a active checkbox. This way you can set it inactive, set it active when you need to, add some sound and you got your cave in.
For the 3rd:
Under Entities>storage, you can use all bookshelves. Just use a AddUseItemCallback(look on the engine scripts page on the wiki for details) and you can set the shelf inactive as a result. Might want to either let the player fadeout, or force him to watch somewhere else, since seeing a shelf disappear is not that good.
I am pretty sure there are other soultions for 3, but this is one.
Thank you so much, FastHunteR
1st and 2nd are solved.
Is it possible to make Smoke on the bookshelf when it is destroyed, so the player doesn't see it disappearing because of the smoke?
Quote:void AddUseCallback(std:tring asItem, std:tring asEntity, std:tring asFunction);
Add a callback that is called when the player uses the item on en entity
The syntax for the callback function is:
void MyFunction(string asItem, string asEntity), the prefix ”@” (ie ”@Func()”) shows that the function is in the global script.
asItem The name of the item.
asEntity The name of the entity.
asFuntion The name of the function called.
I think this is the one I have to use for the bookshelf.
What do I do with it now?