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Texture, Model & Animation Help Weird Level Editor glitch, most likely caused by model
AniCator Offline
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Weird Level Editor glitch, most likely caused by model

Hey guys,

This is my first post here and sadly it's a typical call for help post.

I've been working on a custom story for a little while now and it's all looking pretty good.
I've been able to add custom static meshes and my own physics props but recently I've been trying to add a model that contained a skeleton and an animation.

It took me quite a lot of work to make it export properly and I'm still have some issue here and there but I thought I got rid of most problems until this happened.

[Image: LevelEditorDafuq.png]

It was all looking fine in Blender and the Model Editor.
[Image: BlenderLooksFine.png]

[Image: ModelEditorLooksFine.png]

I don't understand why this is happening.
I also noticed that my animation is not playing even though I added it to the entity.
In the ModelViewer I noticed the bones looked a bit odd as well, compared to the orientation of the bones in Blender itself also they don't move when the animation is playing.

I hope you guys can help me out here, fixing this will allow me to do some pretty cool things to make my custom story a unique one.

It seems like it's some default animation that is shows in the Level Editor but I never made an animation like that.
(This post was last modified: 06-26-2012, 06:30 PM by AniCator.)
06-26-2012, 06:19 PM

Messages In This Thread
Weird Level Editor glitch, most likely caused by model - by AniCator - 06-26-2012, 06:19 PM

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