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Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story
SilentHideButFine Offline

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RE: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story

(07-13-2012, 06:39 AM)ElectricRed Wrote: [Image: 2mn4sbt.jpg]

[Image: 35lss3p.jpg]
A Custom Story by ElectricRed

Crescent Village... That name has been ringing in my ears, haunting me in my dreams. Ever since my wife's death, I've been having nightmares about the place. It's where I grew up as a child, but I was sent away to live with my aunt and uncle when I was very young. I never saw my family again.

Why is this happening now, 30 years later? It seems to be calling out to me, beckoning me to return. That's why I must go. I need to find out why I'm being haunted by these nightmares, and maybe seeing my family again will help me cope with my wife's death... Something seems off about it though. All of my instincts are telling me to stay home and forget about the whole thing. I can't just shake it off though... I NEED to do this.

Upon returning to the village you grew up in as a child, you discover that it's empty. Doors are boarded up, bloodstains soak the ground, and a strange aura lingers in the air. What happened and why has everyone disappeared? Crescent Village holds a secret, and it's up to you to uncover it.

- Chilling atmosphere
- Frightening horror
- Complex and deep storyline
- Richly detailed environments and lighting
- No monsters from the original Amnesia or Justine

As you can probably tell, this is not a pointless jumpscare map. The horror will be genuine and make sense. In addition; grunts, brutes, or suitors will not be making an appearance. Any monsters used in the story are custom. The reason I decided against making a full conversion is due to the sheer amount of them nowadays, and I don't believe it's necessary. Another thing you should know is that quality is extremely important to me, and I want this custom story to be as professional and functional as possible. I'd appreciate any kind of comments or criticism you may have that will help me improve. I don't care how minor they are.

Anyways, you can expect Obscurity to be released sometime this year. I've already been working on it for a while and have quite a bit done already, although there is still a lot to go. A trailer will be released very soon, along with weekly(?) updates until the release. I'm still a bit on the fence about a demo. Do you guys think I should prepare one, or is it not necessary? I'd really like some feedback on this. Thanks!


Voice Actors:
I'm currently hiring voice actors! The script isn't complete yet, but basically I will ask that you voice over parts that I send you over the period of development, if that makes sense. Here are the characters:

- The main roll [male, British] (narration, flashbacks, and dialogue)
- MC as a child (a couple of short flashbacks)
- A young girl [any accent] (a couple of short flashbacks)
- A small boy [British] (short dialogue)
- A middle aged woman [British] (flashbacks)
- A middle aged man [British, deep] (flashbacks)

Obviously, I don't need a separate voice actor for each one. I'll most likely need about 3 people. If you're interested, please feel free to PM me or post here! Also, if anyone is interested in making some custom music, please let me know!


And that's it! Please post any comments below! I'd love to hear them. Thanks!
Is this out?

[url= http://www.moddb.com/mods/jessehmusic [/url] ,HOSPITAL OF HORROR MOD
07-25-2012, 10:35 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story - by Kman - 07-24-2012, 02:11 AM
RE: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story - by Ermu - 07-25-2012, 09:27 PM
RE: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story - by Ermu - 07-26-2012, 12:38 AM
RE: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story - by SilentHideButFine - 07-25-2012, 10:35 PM
RE: Obscurity - An Amnesia Custom Story - by TGST - 08-21-2012, 02:25 PM

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