(08-03-2012, 03:54 PM)Macgyverthehero Wrote: I like the idea of immersion by using this new piece of technology.
But it should be Frictional Games choice to choose if their games should be compatible with this.
Technically not because the means to implement it are open source, so someone with a lot of time could make this work with Penumbra: Overture (maybe even Amnesia, I don't really know how much control modders have over the code). But you can't deny that implementing this device is in Frictional's best interest. I'm not saying they are in any way obligated to do it, it is their choice, but a game company that places such a high emphasis on immersion would be crazy not to attempt this if it is within their budget and abilities. It actually wouldn't surprise me if Frictional become one of the pioneers of this thing.