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Why does the Xbox 360 have trouble with anti-aliasing?
darkely Offline
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RE: Why does the Xbox 360 have trouble with anti-aliasing?

(08-12-2012, 12:08 PM)Deep One Wrote: Xbox360 specs
As you can see, it has only 512 MB's RAM and GPU is older than Cthulhu. I hope this explains something for you Smile
(08-12-2012, 12:10 PM)Traggey Wrote: Yeah, that's really super simple. It's like what, seven years old hardware by now?
It's just not powerfull enough to do anything decent.

Wow... I thought the Xbox 360 had at least 1GB (GPU) EDIT: had a 1GB GPU (I thing I am confusing the time...). Well I still love my games and playing them on it however the jaggies are annoying. I notice that AA is better in some games than others...

EDIT 2: I just want the 360 to be able to handle its own games... that is not asking that much. If GTA 4 would not lag when I switch targets and when driving I could deal with the jaggies.

COD Black Ops - for the most part things look decent
GTA 4 - When driving the road, car, and other things have jaggies.

I don't like to pick on the 360 so much but the jaggies (and a few other things) are a big immersion breaker for me. Any way I am just going to deal with it.

(This post was last modified: 08-12-2012, 04:58 PM by darkely.)
08-12-2012, 04:12 PM

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RE: Why does the Xbox 360 have trouble with anti-aliasing? - by darkely - 08-12-2012, 04:12 PM

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