(08-25-2012, 02:01 PM)CorinthianMerchant Wrote: I need to listen to some good music to retake the lost intelligence...
But Kman, no matter how stupid,annoying and rude a woman is, you do NOT use the W-word. Ever.
...Except that's actually what she's being. Just go to her main channel, I want you to look at the top where it has links to all her other channels. Now, tell me something, do you think she actually needs all those channels (if I remember correctly last time it was around 6 or 7)? No! So why does she make them? Cause she knows her stupid fans will subscribe and like and favorite whatever shitty content she puts up, and that makes money, and the more channels she makes the more she can use this tactic to milk all the money she can out of YouTube. For fuck's sake she made a RACING CHANNEL. Do you think she cares one bit about racing? If you really need another example, go watch her video on raising awareness on malaria (I could be wrong on the specific disease, so I apologize if I got that wrong). Ok, so she made a video on malaria, pretty cool of her, right? But wait a second, notice how you get a pre-roll ad and a little pop-up ad during the video? That's right folks, she enabled monetization on a video about children with malaria. In short, she's basically profiting off the death and suffering of others that she doesn't know.
So there you go, she often does things that are morally wrong that she doesn't really give two shits about just because she knows she can make a buck or two off of it, and in my opinion yes that makes her a whore. I'm sorry if it offends you or anything, but sometimes people just have these things coming.