Good. Streetboat, you bring a sledgehammer. Kman and Damascus Rose will bring tentacles. Statyk and Palistov will bring cows. Andyrockin, bring the fatman and the VATS. Robo, bring the big guns. I will bring my flame-proof keyboard and play "Rise Rapture, Rise" on the highest volume.
Also, fuck PewDiePie. Fuck his retarded fans. Fuck his stupid jokes. Fuck his arrogance. Fuck his egocentrism.
We will chase away all these these idiots once and for all!!!
(08-29-2012, 08:06 PM)Theforgot3n1 Wrote: what a cool jumpscare! can u make barrel spawning too. like from no where
D? i dont think any1 have done that and it would be sooo funny if pewdiepie played on it
ur jumpscare is really good btw, maybe u shoud make it poof so people don't die. just suggestion
Still hasn't gotten over the loss of wubwub...