(09-04-2012, 05:29 PM)Your Computer Wrote: Pirating a game because of anti-piracy techniques or DRM is like pirating a game because it costs too much. You're not achieving anything and are only encouraging the thing you are against.
But by buying the game you "accept" and support the way the game is borrowed to you; DRM and all. It's one big evil circle.
Jim Sterling at The Escapist had a good point how on fight the anti-piracy techniques that only punish the buyer: The best way to do it is to do what gamers do best: Whine!
By pirating a game or boycotting it etc the chances of getting rid of anti-piracy techniques are very small, but if you whine and complain you'll force publishers and developers to listen. Nobody likes having to deal with tons of complaints, which is why whining works. It worked with ME3 and Dark Souls (PC release) so it's the best tool to fight DRM