Hey I Just felt like sharing a couple of Interesting websites that you guys might find interesting.
1. How many five year olds could you take in a fight? (a short quiz to know what the title says.... I could beat 17 kids apparently!)
2. Map of the dead (see where would be more likely for zombies to exist if zombie apocalypse ever took place and see where you would more likely need to go to survive... my bets are on Africa. Its a desert land.)
3. Nuke map (ever imagined what would be the damage if a nuke exploded inside your house? you can now find out!)
4. Cleverbot (filling lonely? speak to a clever bot that answer every questions of yours and haves a normal conversation whit you! WARNING: this bot suffers from social inconsistency, short term memory and sometimes it says complete nonsense. Oh and it thinks your are the bot.)
5. Oddcast (Its like Microsoft Sam voice. But better, whit more languages, different accents and people)
6. Seaquence (Felling musical? make your own music in the form of microscopic sea creatures as fast as you can say "what is this?" and listen to your creations! heres some my own:
http://seaquence.org/g634 http://seaquence.org/6nd7 )
7. The ugly dance (Ever wanted to see yourself or a friend dancing like a complete Idiot? well now you ca..... HOLY SHIT STATYK IS DOING THE DANCE!
http://theuglydance.com/?v=bvdlvrdrcp RUN!!!)