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The game time forgot: Thief The Dark Project (and the sequels)
the dark side Offline
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RE: The game time forgot: Thief The Dark Project (and the sequels)

its a shame theif is in the shadow of splinter cell, as well, splinter cell isnt a good game anymore IMO, the earlier ones were decent to good, bordering on great for SC 2, but i really hated the last few. i wont say why.

MGS is a good game still, so i dont mind that being ahead of theif, but, wow, Kojima-San really needs to let his developers make the gameplay segments longer so they can match the prodigious length of the beautifull Cutscenes.

i still play all 3 Theif games, i dont mind the graphics ageing badly, because, i run a system of "can i see what i am doing? yes? they are good enough". im a gameplay guy, and theif, i think, still has some of the best first person stealth i have ever encountered, its a real shame its fallen from the radar. but, with Dishonoured looking VERY similar to theif, hopefully some reviewers who remember Theif will make some comparisons, wich might help people rediscover the old theif games, heck, they may even get a HD makeover, wich would be lovely.

heres hoping eh?
10-03-2012, 09:16 PM

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RE: The game time forgot: Thief The Dark Project (and the sequels) - by the dark side - 10-03-2012, 09:16 PM

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