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[RELEASE] What Lies Beneath - Chapter One
FlawlessHappiness Offline
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RE: [RELEASE] What Lies Beneath - Chapter One

Lighting looks good! Looking forward to play this one!



Spoiler below!

Meh.. I can't say i enjoyed it.
I didn't really get the story... What happened to Nathan? Why are all those monsters there?

Lighting: It was ok. You should look at it a bit more and ask yourself... Does this look realistic? Should the ceiling really be pitch black sometimes?

Scares: Nothing really... I'm sorry to say it, but most of it was just monsters, and jump scares... Though i liked the one where you walk down the stairs in the stairwell... That was kinda funny...
But seriously... You had a grunt walking on the ceiling in the office? Wtf?
Also, encountering 2 monsters at a time, is too much! Frictional Games never did that unless they wanted you to die...
You use too much poofers! I don't really understand poofers. I mean who would be able to imagine a monster running towards you ready to slash you with its claws and then... SMOKE TO THE FACE!

Mapping: Work on it... There was door frames that didn't fit... I was able to break nearly all the windows in the office, with a chair!
Also you don't even need the sledge hammer to break the crumbling wall... You actually have 2 crumbling walls and i broke the other one too, just to find, the nothing... I would be able to fall into the void.

All-Around... I would say you should work a little bit more with your custom story... It is playable, but i didn't get the story, and didn't get scared...

Also... The room where you keep teleporting... ... ... ... Why???

Sorry for saying all those bad things, but... That is how it is

Trying is the first step to success.
(This post was last modified: 10-14-2012, 03:06 PM by FlawlessHappiness.)
10-14-2012, 01:46 PM

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RE: [RELEASE] What Lies Beneath - Chapter One - by FlawlessHappiness - 10-14-2012, 01:46 PM

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