(11-05-2012, 05:53 AM)Alex Ros Wrote: Look up yeah... as hard to find as it's simple when you find where to look at...
Got my scary moment - eyes in the corridor. Had to change my pants... great moment! Real win...
The knights at the door are a bit funny...
Great moment with invisible enemy - slowly following, not chasing - it was a lot scarier that something is behind and it doesn't chasing you, just following... another win...
Could not stop. Very interesting to play. Had to stop after "coal puzzle" - solved Goin' to sleep...
P.S. I've played a lOOOOOOt of CS. And this one is a lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt better than any other. Surely the best CS. And I mean it. The best.
Wow, thanks.
Speaking of the hatch that you could not find, I've tweaked it; the candle is a bit brighter so it should reveal the hatch a bit more. Thanks for telling me this stuff.
(11-05-2012, 06:26 AM)Xvideogamer720X Wrote: Hey, don't worry about it We all have troubles with time. I had a big load of trouble when I was trying to release my first CS because of time constraints (in which it came to breaking promises of when it was gonna come out). And so, when the day finally came where I released it: it failed. Big time. There was a game breaking bug and hence, everyone got over it. Because I took too long to create a damn patch because I didn't know what was the issue. So time had screwed me over.
I found a game breaking bug that causes the player to die randomly or faint a lot (if the player did not find the 3 sanity potions in Lv1). I corrected this and updating the link (I did this on 4th November), you can download it and continue with your current save.