You are not annoying, I find it interesting hearing about new ideas
I still do not get your algorithm though. Here is how I do it (which is basically the "normal" way I guess):
1. Render geometry to shadow map in a Z-only pass.
2. Render the shadow casting light (using light geometry: sphere, cone, etc) to scene and use shadow map from #1 to calculate occlusion.
3. Discard the shadow map from #1.
Now as I understand your algorithm, after my step#1, you render the shadow map data and all world geometry again to a new 128 bit render target and then use that render target when rendering the light. Since your step #1 seems to be exactly like mine, I cannot see how you get a speed gain, unless the your technique greatly improves the performance of the light shader (which I fail to see).
Again, tell me if I am wrong about anything