Thomas Wrote:I still might be missing something though
So please say if I have gotten anything wrong.
Well, I actually tried to get the light-space coordinates that way origionally, but on my card matrix multiplication runs rediculously slow. Perhaps it's my graphics card or driver, it's an 8600M gt. What's your card you test on?
I'll try re-forumalting to see if I did anything wrong. It's possible we are still slightly not understnading eachother, but I think we are doing very simliar things. Don't you hate that?
Anyway though, for whatever tech you guys use, I just want to say I really appreciate what you guys are doing for the genre of games (first person prespective I mean). I am overly sick of all the mindless violence in games. I mean, it's not like I really mind the violence itself (I think GOW is pretty cool looking lol) but it's getting to where that's the ONLY thing they put in games.
I think the time I hit rock bottom and realized this was when I played Bioshock last year. Don't get me wrong, it's got a phenominal story and really outstanding mechanics, but I was severley disappointed to learn that %95 of the game was running around killing random people with no real motivation to get creative.
I had this notion that most of the combat was with the big daddies, which actually was fun, but the splicers were the equivenant of swatting annoying flys that weren't even a challenge. Not to mention the game was supposed to be a successor to horror games, and it wasn't scary in the least.
Anyway, keep up the good work