Castle Dorian Bug Fix
As many had problems from the start on I decided to do a quick update with all the problems fixed so smaller bugs could wait for a big "bug fix patch". If you download this file make sure to delete the old one, Because some files are removed.
Bug Fix Notes
- Removed 50% Of the oil in the game.
- Removed the lantern + Oil in the "Castle_Entrance" map.
- Eddited the note in the abandoned house that tells that there is a key under it while its not.
- Able to go back inside the mansion when left back to the main hall incase you missed somting.
- Removed the extra Mansion key in the main hall.
- Added Coliders to protect you from the evil tree's!
- Removed all map cache's for a more compact file, (And brings decals back to life).
If you downloaded the CS before, delete it. Becouse some folders/files are removed!
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