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Acies ModelShoppe [You Request Models]
jssjr90 Offline

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RE: Acies ModelShoppe [You Request Models]

Hey Acies, Can I make a request? Nothing major relay its just something that I've always wanted in one part of my level. I am working on a custom story for Amnesia entitled "The Hands Resist Him" It is about Henry Miller comming to terms of his wife's death. What he does not know that once he starts poking around the manor, He finds himself on a bigger quest that what he thought.
In the mod, You can make choices that will change the branch of story, slightly though, but it can lead Henry to new areas that you might not see on one play-though. Each character and the envirments that Henry journey's though, all tie in to this elaboration of the story. The characters and the levels them self's all tell of a pic of back story that will chain up all the story elements into this grand big story.
Here is the link as you stated.

Anyways as for those requests. Since my custom story is mainly set in modern times, there will be a split between fantasy and reality. For the hospital level, It is a hybrid between almost feature hospital and modern. I would like to use a mechanic from Dino Crisis; the beam fence that we see in the hallways. I want to use this as a puzzle. I know its basic but I think it would be cool, but I want something slimier in design for a electronic padlock for turning on and off the beams. Here is the reference.

Electronic Padlock.

Also, It would be cool to see different style of doors besides the standard penumbra doors. Office like doors. As shown in the image.

Office Door


Outdoor Air Conditioner Vents

An Electronic Wall Safe
with a hollow door frame. So this could just act as a "door" type object, but with the looks of a electronic wall safe.

These next line of requests may be challenging. One particular puzzle quest for the player I want to do is for the player to use the telescope to view a particular star. Myst style puzzle. This would be in Henry's Dream world. Where all of his memories, things that he enjoyed in life, such as science, music, and art. So the telescope would act as a prop, but the player can use the directional programmed buttons to move around and zoom in on different stars. The player would be seeing this on a project monitor. I can build the dome structure myself with what I have in a creative way.

Observatory Telescope
reference image.

Also for my control room in the hospital, I cant find any typing keyboard models in these forms.

Typing Keyboard

This next model I think plays a relay important part in the story. A baby carriage. Think of ways to scare people with that. I would like to say its purpose is but it would just spoil allot.

Baby Carriage


I hope this is not too much, you don't half to do these its just something that I would like to have for the mod.
11-25-2012, 04:53 AM

Messages In This Thread
Acies ModelShoppe [You Request Models] - by Acies - 11-22-2012, 07:00 PM
RE: Acies ModelShoppe [You Request Models] - by jssjr90 - 11-25-2012, 04:53 AM

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