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Stories up for grabs
LoneWolfGen Offline
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Brick  Stories up for grabs

Note: I have no interest in learning how to level design and code for Amnesia Custom Stories, but have a knack for making the story lines and notes. If you suck at stories, this is for you. If you’re good at stories, then read this for references/ideas. If you're here to complain that people should make their own stories, why I shouldn't be doing this, blah blah blah, then bugger off please.

Let's begin:

Totalitaria (Taken from some school assignment):

A small little island named Totalitaria is a small and simple place for single minded beings. It holds no wars, no conflicts, and everyone is very equal. The Three Wise Men, who are basically the government, decide everything for everyone because they know what's best. Your father, however, thought very differently. After smuggling history books from all over the world, he began to think that this was not the best system for any society on the planet. That maybe a more adventurous (and dangerous) system was a better one. Because of his different, "evil" thoughts, he had simply disappeared to be reprogrammed. Before he was sent away, however, he left his son his works, and a description of what he must do. His son must escape from the controlling island, and find a place to better himself, and one day free everyone else from the brainwashing system.

Online link to the story here .

Proper Handling:

In Camelot, Catholicism is the most popular religion. Not only do they believe in a higher power with his disciples, but they also believe in a greater evil with his followers. You yourself have been condemned to be one of those followers. It's not your fault, however, as possession is uncontrollable. The public, as fully as they understand, know of this and wish for you to be gone for all eternity along with the demon's soul. Court was a public announcement by the Catholic Head Priest, saying you were to be taken to the torture chamber to be "properly" handled. Before the torturer even gets started, the earth shakes, and a soldier calls the man to fight the new war that the dark knights have started. Breaking out of the restraints, you must find your way out of the hell hole alive, venturing through sewers, gardens, and the castle itself. The Demon, however, still wishes to complete the possession process, and challenges both your mental and physical ability in an imaginary realm every once in a while.

The Banishing:

Your name is Sledge, a high priest of a secret society branched from the Roman Catholic Church. The society doesn’t involve preaching as much as it does banishing. The society is highly religious, yet exists for the purposes of finding Demons wherever they find a way to earth and send them back to Hell. You have been given a new assignment that involves going to a small village in Finland and sending a Demoness back to Hell before she destroys the village. Once you’re there, however, some citizens make it obvious that they do not approve of your arrival. Ones are stalking you with a vengeance, and you find that they are part of a pagan religion. As you hunt down the Demoness ravaging the village at night, they hunt you down all 24 hours to rid their people of doubt and curiosity.

Experimental Teachings (More suited to Penumbra imo):

It's just another average day at school (This is where some early character development happens). You're in one of your classes when some soldiers with guns and gasmasks come in and do an under-the-radar lockdown. The pull kids in one by one in a sound proof room, each one coming out with bruises, and scarred memories that would haunt them forever. Then, one new kid is opposing the soldiers, kicking and screaming that this was a huge mistake. The soldiers ignore him, almost driven further to bring him into that room quickly. As the interrogation goes on, the screams become audible even behind the sound proof barrier. The final moment of the kid you knew came to pass as a blood curdling, monster scream came from the room as gunfire and thundering slams echoed the hallways. Once it all stopped, you gain enough balls to open the door and make the reveal. All the soldiers are dead, stomachs sizzling on the floor and intestines made into vines through the ceiling. The worst part of this is the kid is nowhere to be seen among the gore, and panting can be heard through the ventilation.

If you want input (such as how I think the story should go, characters, etc), then just message me and I will deliver. If you want me to write the notes because you want to adopt one of these, then message me still. If you’re just trolling and/or hate this post, I won’t dignify you with any response unless I feel witty and smrt.

Only rule about "claiming". Whoever publishes the finished version first wins.
11-29-2012, 10:14 PM

Messages In This Thread
Stories up for grabs - by LoneWolfGen - 11-29-2012, 10:14 PM
RE: Stories up for grabs - by Adrianis - 11-29-2012, 10:57 PM
RE: Stories up for grabs - by LoneWolfGen - 11-30-2012, 10:00 PM
RE: Stories up for grabs - by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 11-30-2012, 03:14 PM

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