Sadly, I am very much afraid I doubt it Kreekakon, i am afraid that PC sales "don't make enough profits" compared to console sales for todays megabuck publishers inhumanly greedy marketing divisions liking, heck, i am suprised we still get games on pc sometimes, so, no hate here, just simple experience with the modern games industry, i fully expect AC4 to come out on X720 long before AC3 gets its bad "porting from 360 to pc" (something i cannot stand, but, it makes good profit margins for businesses, so i'll just have to tolerate it until gaming inevitably goes clunk again due to the rise in mobile phones and the "casual" audience deserting to them resulting in the console market vanashing faster than a rat up a trouser leg) issues sorted out.
sadly, these days, it seems to be down to the modding community to sort out the issues that rushing a port from a vastly inferior system brings. i mean, how long ago did the godawfull (in my opinion) HP2010 come out? and , although the console version had over 20 updates before the even worse (in many opinions it would seem) "teh runz" came out, the PC version still hasnt even been officially patched Once! way to keep customers Evil Alliance (rolls eyes)
everyone has there own opinions on a game, after all, "enjoyment" is a purely subjective thing, wich means that what someone may think is, sorry to use youtubeease "the greatest gayme evar!" others might think is "a pile of steaming, rushed out, unplayable console tosh of the kind that should have died out with the atari 2600 era" (there i go, chanelling yahtzee again, lol). wich means, that, sure, i accept you are finding AC3 brilliant fun, and stealthy, i found it bordering from "doing nothing for hours", to "full blown kombat" with the odd cheesy cutscene, of course, others my think the cutscenes are brilliant. its all down to the individual person and there prefeered pacing style and the way they like stories to be told, (i persoanlly prefer to know "WHY" rather then What and to who, as well, i struggle with emotions even in real life, so i very rarely connect to a story that is very emotion and charachter driven, and prefer a scientific "why this is happening" story over a "how this makes the charachters feel" emotional one, as emotions in games just come across as cheesy to me, because i fail to understand the subtext and only see the wild on screen gesticulations), sure, were as you may find it brilliant, i found it woefull!
i will agree though, ubisoft did need to change it after the Ezio era, it went on a little too long, but to me, personally, i think they changed it all the wrong ways by making it "too accessible" and creating what i think is a paper thin excuse to blow up some brits, hey, you may not find that, as i said, games are 100% subjective, its what i personally found. and got offended by.
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2012, 08:32 PM by the dark side.)