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Resurrecting Threads: New Accounts, Please Read
Bridge Offline
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RE: Resurrecting Threads: New Accounts, Please Read

(12-06-2012, 09:28 AM)peckinpah1976 Wrote: It's also considered 'good etiquette' on most Internet forums to use existing threads where possible, rather than create new ones.

People are only following this principle.
This doesn't always apply. For example: if there's any kind of official thread that maybe doesn't get a lot of posts and isn't a sticky, like "the Penumbra thread" or something, it would be frowned upon if you made a new thread dedicated to the same subject. If the topic is about something more general or temporary, for example: "What are your favorite movies?" then it would be unacceptable to necro it, because none of the original posters are talking about it anymore and it isn't a serious thread dedicated to film; it's just a casual discussion. Posting in a thread that's called "What's your favorite Amnesia monster?" that dates back to 2010 just in the interest of "conserving space"* would just disrupt the forum's balance. It's like if you were reading a conversation in a book and decided to partake in it all of a sudden. It doesn't make sense because the people in question can't hear you and so if you're going to be talking to anyone, it's going to be new people viewing the thread again, so why not make a new one?

* This really makes no sense, because blank threads really don't take up that much space at all. What does take up space are all of the characters you are posting in the thread, but the forum software would've had to allocate memory for that if you posted in old threads anyway…
12-06-2012, 11:37 AM

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RE: Resurrecting Threads: New Accounts, Please Read - by Bridge - 12-06-2012, 11:37 AM

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