This doesn't go to Techincal support in
playing Custom stories, but I will samely help.
So, in your inventory.hps file:
void OnGameStart()
AddCombineCallback("", "Chemical_container", "bucket", "FUNC", false);
AddCombineCallback("", "bucket", "Chemical_container", "FUNC", false);
void FUNC (string &in asItemA, string &in asItemB)
GiveItem("Acid", "Puzzle", "LangEntry", "Image.tga"
It's something like this. The wiki says:
void GiveItem(string& asName, string& asType, string& asSubTypeName, string& asImageName, float afAmount);
Adds an item to the inventory of the player. Note that the item does not
have to exist as entity in the world to be able to do this.
asName - internal name
asType - item to give
asSubTypeName - item name for .lang file
asImageName - For exemple: void GiveItem(string& asName, string& asType, “chemical_container_full”, “chemical_container_full.tga” , float afAmount); The image is from <
nowiki> <
nowiki> <
nowiki>\ <
/nowiki> <
/nowiki> <
/nowiki> graphics\Item\chemical_container_full.tga : is the image which will appear in Inventory -
afAmount - amount to give