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What part of Amnesia scared you the most?
Tetrafish Offline

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

When I got into it - I learned to fear the lighted areas more than the pitch black areas. Because when it was lit you could always see the monster coming. Also, I think you tend to naturally feel safe in light - which is the opposite for this game. When I first played... If there was a situation that got really intense and if I felt I couldn't get out of it (I wasn't keeping a cool head) I'd just freeze and watch as I'd get swatted by a monster or killed by the Shadow when I couldn't get a door open because of stuff being in the way.

Now-a-days, I get my adrenaline rush by running away and/or leading the monsters into rooms - trying to momentarily trap them, or bang something on the wall to draw them to where I'm hiding. Playing dangerously. Yeah, shaking, hands trembling. Makes ya feel alive!
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2012, 05:12 AM by Tetrafish.)
12-10-2012, 05:10 AM

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most? - by Tetrafish - 12-10-2012, 05:10 AM

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