(02-27-2009, 07:25 PM)Villane Wrote: Some thoughts: you could take only the letters from the alphabet that are fibonacci numbers
1 A
2 B
3 C
5 E
8 H
13 M
21 U
The transformations (results are also fibonacci numbers):
20 T -> B 2 ( 2+0 = 2 )
3 C -> C 3 ( 3=3 )
17 Q -> H 8 (1+7 = 8)
Nice find mate!
I've managed to find some neat results looking at the second part.
This chart represents the percent of letter frequency in English.
Now, imagine it as a graph from left to right. It looks pretty linear (maybe guassian).
When I did the same chart for this text:
This is what I get:
The two graphs represent how "fast" frequency of the letters change.
It looks pretty similar (which basicially shoudln't if that would be encrypted, random or whatever).
For example, md5 or sha hashes would look totally different.
In my opinion it means the text is ciphered (not encrypted).
We just need to replace the letters somehow. Does anybody knows any law that could help?
Stuff that might/will be useful:
Not sure but all of it might have something with this:
Fibonacci Alphabet
Fibonacci Cryptography
I've found on the internet piece of code to decipher Fibonacci cryption and it did work on examples (which looked exactly the same as on nextfrictionalgame.com) but no result. It gave random letters.
However, he is the example of code (not mine):
count = 0
length = len(str)/2
while count<length:
print str[len(str)-1-count],
print str[count],
Result: S U B M I T A P R O G R A M T H A T P R I N T S I D E C R Y P T E D I T
Edit 2:
In my opinion those numbers:
Quote:Line 1:
3, 9, 7, 4, 8, 9, 5, 7, 11, 6, 6, 13, 7, (longer)
Line 2:
8, 6, 9, 6, 11, 8, 13, (shorter)
probably is connected to:
Quote:Line 1:
Line 2:
This might be coincidence, but why would they split up the line those two lines? It's not automaticly made (wrapped) because in source code there is a "<br/>" which stands for a new line.
Considering that we don't have the spaces given between those messy letters, probably the numbers are telling somehow where the spaces should be. Average of these numbers are not similar to the average word length in English (which is 5.10).
However, as someone said before "1, -1, 2" (sequence that appears in those numbers) probably mean something else.