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Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work?
the dark side Offline
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RE: Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work?

@andyrockin, do you mind being a little less rude please? , i know full well the concept of a target demographic, its just i have aimed at an entirely different one to what the games industry normally aims at owing to gameplay choices i have made, you can't sell to the "call of duty" audience with Medikits! they just wont tolerate the mechanic as they consider it "outdated" and "too hard!".

The games industry these days is after an extremely rapid buck, so it aims at an audience of immature males, aged between 8-15 with an Xbox 360 and a Live "Gold" account and located in mid west USA, hence the highly simplified gameplay, extremly fantasised charachters based on GQ magazine models and hollywood strereo types, miniscule, overly 'murican' campains and non existant challenge of todays titles. seeing as that market demands a gameplay style i simply CANNOT stand, i will have to ignore them.

The demographic i have chosen, is older, experienced, PC based gamers, primarily in europe, and aged in there mid twenties to there mid 30s, people who will remember my projects gameplay style from the games they grew up with, and will have the patience to play a game that escews any form of muliplayer in exchange for a massive, compicated, and intriquing single player campaign in the style of older story based action titles.

However, as that is a smaller demographic than many of todays publishers would like, i have to ensure i can max out the limited sales that demographic brings, wich is about 3 million, to stand a chance of being given a decent budget. i can't do that if i have an NPC that stops those people from playing the game because they find her embarassing due to her childishness or disgusting because she isnt the "tough careet woman" femenist icon or simply because she has learning difficulties, as sadly, it would seem faschist hartred of people with learning difficulties is still strongly engrained in many cultures, especially in the United States. thats why i need the opinion of users, to see how my demographic, older, more experienced PC based gamers primarily in europe, would respond to that NPC.

read the post properly please before leaping down my throat and casting aspersions on my credentials thank you.
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2012, 08:03 PM by the dark side.)
12-15-2012, 07:50 PM

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RE: Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work? - by the dark side - 12-15-2012, 07:50 PM

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