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Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work?
Bridge Offline
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RE: Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work?

Because most people are blank templates that absorb culture like sponges. Anyway dude, I have to agree with Hirnwirbel on this one. A person like that would (no offense) be more of a nuisance to talk to than interesting. If you want to create a dramatic, profound game that tries to portray mental illness* and what it's like to have it/know people with it then go ahead, put that character in the game. But if it's just a "normal" game that has a conventional storyline you are not going to be able to casually put a character like that in there. Usually people with mental illnesses are only put into typical stories for comedic effect or for horror, and for good reason. People like that are difficult to deal with.

*Blanket term for simplicity's sake, I mean no offense
12-15-2012, 08:39 PM

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RE: Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work? - by Bridge - 12-15-2012, 08:39 PM

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