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Need script help asap! extremely difficult script!
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Need script help asap! extremely difficult script!

(12-19-2012, 03:46 PM)The chaser Wrote: It isn't actually a so hard script...

Do the following thing:

At the beggining:

-If you touch the wrong button, something (what you want) happens, but if you touch the correct one, you allow a script area (the next button) to add a LocalVar, if you tick the wrong button, ouch! :3


////Long list of things

//When first good button is pressed
AddLocalVarInt("Buttons", 1);
//The thing so when you press the next correct button it adds a LocalVarInt.

It's quite simple for me :)

trying some stuff...
probly wrong.. never use those things what you do..
can you explane a bit more?

//Long list of things?????

Or is it more simple to build?

Would be awesome if you made a script for me... at least a beginning wat to do.

Those VAR works fine but it's just this...
when i also try to change the numbers like 707 whats the code now...
wont work...
so 4 digits would be awesome!
12-19-2012, 05:22 PM

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RE: Need script help asap! extremely difficult script! - by DnALANGE - 12-19-2012, 05:22 PM

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