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Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia

Penumbra is scarier than Amnesia. The mine in Overture is really more earnestly compared to Brennenburg castle and that makes the horror.
In Penumbra I don't feel like to be in a game. In Amnesia, you feel like in a game. That is a horror no-go.

The problem is, that Amnesia has flashbacks which will pull you out of the immersion, and that the environments are less complex and less seriously. Amnesia is more melancholic horror, a contrast between creepy and sissy. And that works good, but it was by far a smaller experience like Penumbra.

I mainly praise Penumbra Overture for its well made horror setting. I felt like to be alone in a leaved mine and that the danger is behind every corner. I really was immersed. Amnesia also has this feeling, but not as much as Penumbra.

So it's totally wrong when you said Penumbra environments are less scary.
12-27-2012, 12:44 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia - by Bridge - 12-27-2012, 01:28 AM
RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia - by nrkist - 12-27-2012, 02:13 AM
RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia - by Bridge - 12-27-2012, 03:55 AM
RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia - by Kein - 12-27-2012, 09:32 AM
RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia - by Googolplex - 12-27-2012, 12:44 PM
RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia - by Bridge - 12-27-2012, 02:04 PM
RE: Penumbra Prequel made in Amnesia - by Traggey - 12-28-2012, 03:19 AM

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