First pick up the 3 notes all of them are very close to the start area. Go up to the locked door directed in front of where you start. Look up you'll see a
lantern on top of a light source above the door. Turn around and go straight. You'll go into a room after crossing a bridge surrounded by water. Loot the room. Now go back to the locked door and move the carpet right in front of it TADA!!!. Now go to your left and take a right. DONT LISTEN TO THE VOICES THERE IS NO WHEELCHAIR THE AUTHOR IS SCREWING WITH YA :3. Open the door to the right of the door with the brick wall blocking it. Once in the room search for a piano. Open the one thingy (

) and there is a key. Don't be lazy you can find the door it goes to yourself. Note it is downstairs. Go into that room. Find the desk and open up the big drawer. Take out the books and painting in it. YOU FOUND A LEVER! Now drag it down not up. The bookcase next to you shall now move! Go into the room with skulls and blood on the floor. Open up that one torture thing with the face on top. Remove the torso of the dead monster. KEY BABE! Go back to the room outside that you had to cross the bridge to get to. Use the key to open the door. Move the rocks. Get the key and go to the place that it says. (Upstairs and to the right.) Open that door. Alright you cheater thats all the hints for you! I don't want to give out everything! Enjoy the amazing custom story he made. I must give him props for the awesome music and puzzles. This quite possibly is the best custom story i've played. Have fun!