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Help! Stuck in penmubra requiem
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RE: Help! Stuck in penmubra requiem

Nemi79 Wrote:Ok, I'm 100 % stuck. I am in the room where you are suppose to go up, and there's some kind of forcefield. I've gotten to the level where you get the tnt ketchup bottles, but I cannot get further.
There's a bridge stuck to a weak chain, but I cannot get anywhere. Check picture

Anyone able to help?

Spoiler below!

That catwalk which can be seen on the picture is the key. Good old platformer tactic (jumping) is all you need. From there you are able to mess with the chain. Hope I didn't spoil too much.
08-27-2008, 03:56 PM

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Help! Stuck in penmubra requiem - by Guest - 08-27-2008, 03:05 PM

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