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Make some noise, just for noises' sake.
Kman Offline
Posting Freak

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RE: Make some noise, just for noises' sake.

You know there's a reason why the term "lurk moar" exists. There is a set if unsaid guidelines to every forum, including this one, for what's socially acceptable and what's not, and if someone ends up not taking the time to learn them and makes a stupid thread that doesn't belong then nah I'm not gonna take it seriously. I mean with the heartbeat monitor guy, what relevance did that even hold to this forum? If this was an LP forum I could understand, but literally the only connection I could make was that PewDie also played Amnesia... On top of that, the OP was essentialy just saying "waaah, I did it first this is unfair", do you really expect people to take that seriously?

Besides, I've said this before and I'll say it again, shitty communities are really the best communities at heart. If everyone was super nice to everyone else and walked on egg shells 24/7 this place would be borig as shit. I've been in communities like that where people acted that way and eventually left them for that same exact reason. Hell the only reason I keep coming back here is cause I wonder if dark side/googol will post more stupid shit on game design, or to see if cranky ever comes back again and starts posting super offensive stuff and people rage at him again, etc. So yeah, I do treat it like a bunch of friends at a pub because to me that's what it is and that's the way I think it should be.

Posting Freak
(This post was last modified: 01-19-2013, 10:21 PM by Kman.)
01-19-2013, 10:20 PM
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RE: Make some noise, just for noises' sake. - by Kman - 01-19-2013, 10:20 PM

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