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How do you rate Requiem? (or until now)
Penumbra Offline
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RE: How do you rate Requiem? (or until now)

Yeah, requiem wasn't as good. It got kinda good for me when I found the radio with Red, cuz I was dying to find out if he was alive or not, but besides that, it wasn't really scarry. I admit that I liked it and a few parts near the beggining scared me, but then it was just repetative, so I knew exatly what to except. I'd rate it a 7, but I don't think it should be considered a 'scarry' game.

Most people think the Tech Demo was the best, because you have no idea what to expect. Same with Overture. But in Black Plauge they started using the same methods to scarry you and then finally in Requieme, they just used illusions and mind tricks.
08-31-2008, 06:41 PM

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