Castle of Devastating disease...
Hey MatiaSika, I just did an LP of this custom story and want to say things about this custom story!
1- Like you said this map have secret rooms, I don't even know if I've gotten em or not, maybe I did or maybe I'm retarded who couldn't find secret rooms.

2- About the alternate ending... hmm... I guess I should play it again or something for the alternate ending. But tell me, which ending I've got? Was it alternative?

3- I agree with you, like you said "Horrific atmosphere", I gotta admit it!
4- The detailed was absolutely detailed, should I say Extremely detailed? I liked everything, I haven't found any texture bugs or stuff bugs or anything related to bugs!
5- Puzzles doesn't seems to be that hard but I spend 9 minutes on solving the lever one.
Overall: 10/10
Reason: Not only just because it's a nice custom story or it has some nice placement or scripting, but because It has AWESOME story. I highly recommand this custom story to play, I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I did.
Here are my LP's w/facecam.