Being the big football fan I am I watch KSI's videos and his lil brother Deji's who mostly play FIFA but sometimes play other things. Oh and MattHDGamer. They're the main ones I watch.
Being the big RuneScape player I am I watch a few RuneScape videos from guys like Regicidal, Alkan, Smokey, and livestreams from Runeshark and Fairytales and whoever their guests are.
I watch PewDiePie sometimes depending on what game he's playing, like his Walking Dead playthrough was great, still need to get through his Bully playthrough, he played Journey which was a good playthrough but I kinda prefer PsychedelicSnake (Lee)'s version. I also watch a few of his LP's like Devil May Cry, his commentary is crazy
I don't enjoy Felix's LP's of Amnesia anymore, I know what you mean when you say he doesn't emerse himself... Kinda frustrates me how people play with lights on or in the light in general.
I love LOVE LOOOVE Sp33dy's GTA LP's. Him and his crew are fucking hilarious.