(03-23-2013, 04:21 PM)ZereboO Wrote: here is an PlayMusic example:
PlayMusic("09_amb_safe.ogg", true, 1, 1, 1, true);
09_amb_safe.ogg is the music file to be played
the first true is if the file should loop (play it self again and again)
first "1" is the volume on the music (1 is standard)
second "1" is how many seconds it will take for the music to hit its the max volume
thirth "1" is the priority of the music. Note that only the music with the highest priority can be heard! 0 - lowest, 1 - higher, etc.
the last true means if i use stopmusic, and start the same music again later, it will continue playing where it got cut off.
PlayMusic if mostly used in OnEnter(), so that it plays everytime the player enters the map (background music/ambience in the map)
Thank you very much one more thing I would love to know.
Can you delete solids to make a window break.
Put a broken window in the same place, set it inactive and then when you hit an area have the normal window dissappear while at the same time having the broken window be set to active.
I wanna know if it's possible and if it is, what function should I use cause I haven't seen any functions that are solid based I don't think.