(03-26-2013, 12:10 PM)Knusper. Wrote: <SOUNDENTITY>
<Sound File="Slender pip.ogg" />
<PROPERTIES Volume="2" MinDistance="0" MaxDistance="30" Random="1" Interval="0" FadeEnd="False" FadeStart="False" Stream="false" Loop="false" Use3D="false" Blockable="false" BlockVolumeMul="0.5" Priority="2" />
I'm not sure if any of these suggestions will fix it but it's all I can suggest for now
- rename both the .ogg and .snt to use a '_' rather than just a space
- remove the .ogg file extension so it reads <Sound File="Slender_pip" />
- if you only have 1 sound, then Random should be "0"
- set the minimum distance to at least 1 (not sure that's necessary, but worth trying!)
Give those a go, let me know if it works or not...