(04-06-2013, 12:09 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: Wait till you meet the deerclops.
I've met it once. Luckily I had just found a freeze-staff, and froze it with 3 shots. Then I ran like hell. I was lucky that it had spawned far away from my base, because i was exploring.
What became a problem for me once, was the giant spiderqueens.
I managed to accidently spawn 2 spider queens (By standing close to a tier 3 spider-nest)... Stupid thing! Beware of that. They're kinda dangerous with their spider-horde.
(04-06-2013, 12:09 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: My main tactic when it comes to food is bees.
How do you farm a bee-block? Don't the bees get angry? You maybe have the bee hat?
(04-06-2013, 12:09 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: I'm also using the drying racks quite extensively since jerky rots far slower than meat.
Good to know! I should do that too!
(04-06-2013, 12:09 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: Good thing my beard was already long enough to keep me warm! (Yes, a long beard counts as warm clothing! )
That is awesome! I didn't know that. I should let my beard grow then. Keeping me even warmer.
I advice you to keep the Koalefant until you run low on food. Or if you're gonna need a jacket.
Trying is the first step to success.