Hmmm, Let me release my supressed disapointment to the world!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Left 4 Dead (textures are awfully monotoned, enemies all very cliche and repetitive)
2. Dead Space (As much as i enjoyed it, it didn't live up to the teaser trailors and E3 hype)
3. Call Duty 5 (Come one, the fifth game, with a sixth in development? WHY WON'T IT DIE?)
4. Resistance 2. (I like this game to, it's just, Resistance 1 was so much grittier, darker and intens)
5. Starcraft 2 (I have a friend whose brother works on it, and he said that the campaigns have been totally changed, so when you purchase the game, you'll get something like 25 missions, but all in the same race. To get campaigns of a different race, you'll have to buy expansions. They also have taken out a notable number of units. Note, these properties might change, this is just what i've been told last.)
6. Fable II ( So, we waited and waited, and for what, something that's a mirror image of it's predesor? All it has is better graphics.)
7. Unreal Tournament 3 (Uhh, the only thing unreal about this is that the reviews it got were actually good.)
8. Stalker: Clear Sky (It looks as if the developers burned their holiday snaps onto a disc and had the B@lls to call it a game, It is nothing more than a bag of glitches and bugs, SOC was excellent, but this doesn't live up to it.)
9. Mercanaries 2: world in Flames (This game shouted potential, but when its an openworld game that cover a whole COUNTRY, you would think they would have a Quick warp or something... WRONG, you move their by a slow moving helicopter, vunerable to attack. It also has some small glitches that can affect gameplay.)
10. Wii fit ( Is it just me, or does getting off the couch and doing some laps primitive? Instead of good ol' fashion exercise, we are left with something you do as a feel good activity, and thus, our obesity reaches serious levels.)
Dishonourable mention: Fracture ( i mean really, would you notice the difference if you were playing any other Sci-Fi Shooter?
Note: They only games i haven't played are Wii fit and Starcraft 2; (Fracture, i have only played a little bit.)
And thankyou Petike for giving me the opportunity to rant:evil:
