It always takes me so long to reply. You can read this if you want, but I'm sure you would have the general idea already
There are two ways I believe you could fix this from past experience... (I'm a nooby scripter
1. Make the door explode
The downside is it is noisy and if done incorrectly, can be a bit messy and a downside, but it clears the path. You would do this with
SetPropHealth("<portcullis>", 0.0f);
2. Use force:Well, the first thing you have to do is make sure the door unlocks after all the conditions are met. I don't know exactly where that code is in your code because I cannot read it specifically coz of my script knowlege, then maybe apply force that pushes the door open from either in front or behind.
SetSwingDoorLocked("<portcullis>", false, true);
SetSwingDoorDisableAutoClose("<portcullis>", true);
SetSwingDoorClosed("<portcullis>", false, true);
AddPropForce("<portcullis>", x, y, z, "world");
The first line unlocks the door. The next one makes sure that when force is applied, the door doesn't just shut itself again. The next code opens the door ever so slightly, and then the AddPropForce simply pushes the door open
"<Portcullis>" - Change to the name of your door as indicated in your Level Editor.
x, y, z, - Change to the needed co-ordinate. Your door should open either along the x or z axis :)
I may not be the best but that MAY help or give you an insight as to what to do